Christian Schüller


Current Position

Developing Avatar AI technology at NVIDIA


Contact Info

Business Email

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Animatico AG 

Startup Animatico AG (2019-2022)

Interactive Avatar Technology
Acquired by NVIDIA



Computational fabrication of 3D shapes: Enabling makers through novel geometric algorithms 

Computational fabrication of 3D shapes: Enabling makers through novel geometric algorithms

Christian Schüller
PhD Thesis (ETH Zurich 2018)

Shape Representation by Zippables 

Shape Representation by Zippables

Christian Schüller, Roi Poranne, Olga Sorkine-Hornung
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2018)
[Paper] [Supplemental] [Video] [Bibtex]

Digitally Reconstructing the Great Parchment Book 

Digitally Reconstructing the Great Parchment Book: 3D Recovery of Fire-Damaged Historical Documents

Kazim Pal, Nicola Avery, Pete Boston, Alberto Campagnolo, Caroline De Stefani, Helen Matheson-Pollock, Daniele Panozzo, Matthew Payne, Christian Schüller, Chris Sanderson, Chris Scott, Philippa Smith, Rachael Smither, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Ann Stewart, Emma Stewart, Patricia Stewart, Melissa Terras, Bernadette Walsh, Laurence Ward, Liz Yamada, Tim Weyrich
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project Page]

Computational Thermoforming 

Computational Thermoforming


SGP Software Award for libigl, A simple C geometry processing library.

Alec Jacobson, Daniele Panozzo, Christian Schüller, Olga Diamanti, Qingnan Zhou, Nico Pietroni, Stefan Brugger, Kenshi Takayama, Wenzel Jakob, Nikolas De Giorgis, Luigi Rocca, Leonardo Sacht, Olga Sorkine-Hornung
EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP 2015)
[Code] [Tutorial] [Award]

Appearance-Mimicking Surfaces 

Appearance-Mimicking Surfaces

Christian Schüller, Daniele Panozzo, Olga Sorkine-Hornung
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2014)
[Paper] [Video] [Code] [Data] [Slides] [Cover] [Bibtex] [Project Page]


Content-Aware Surface Parameterization for Interactive Restoration of Historical Documents


Locally Injective Mappings

Christian Schüller, Ladislav Kavan, Daniele Panozzo, Olga Sorkine-Hornung
EG/ACM Symposium on Geometry Processing 2013 (CGF)
[Low/High] [Video] [Code] [Bibtex] [Project Page]


Consistent Volumetric Discretizations Inside Self-Intersecting Surfaces

Teaching Experience

Informatik 1

Spring 2014
Spring 2015
Fall 2015
Spring 2016

Numerical Methods

Fall 2013
Fall 2014

Lineare Algebra

Fall 2016
Fall 2017
Fall 2018

Shape Modeling

Spring 2017